Since 1st November, I have been growing a 'tache.

You can sponsor me here; http://au.movember.com/mospace/1215106/
I have been thinking about what styles of moustache to grow. But my lack of ability to grow facial hair hampers my choice of styles. A lot. Maybe I could grow a handle bar moustache like the Australian icon Chopper. I could even go for maybe one like Bruce from Family Guy and each time I see my 'tache giggling to myself remembering this......"Jeffery, Peter Griffin has a moustache.....No wayyyy.......Wayyyyy!"
Or maybe just the pubescent boy look. My facial hair could probably just about manage that.
Oh, I've also ot a few shouts out. Maximum respect to, etc. Pirate radio style. A shout out to the Jonni 5 Cru and to Chris and Geo locked on. Hold tight and keep it locked.
And a shout out to Chi and Amy Twittering, watching The Apprentice, administering websites and making lovely things!
A side note, I am sitting by a lake while I am writing this, and this man and lady just walked by, pushing bikes. The guy was wearing a Portsmouth FC shirt and the girl was all in black, but wearing a white cap and too much lipstick. They were in conversation about something. The girl saying that her friend said she looked pregnant instead of just a bit fat. Then they stopped and looked out to the lake. The guy said "look at the ducks. We've seen those birds before."
"Yeah" exclaimed the woman "we saw 'em rooting. They're gonna have babies soon".
"Sure did, they'll be coming out soon" said the man like they were his little ducklings that were being born.
I looked up at them from the grass and smiled. The man winked and they walked away. Maybe they wer ehis ducks.
Actually, while on the subject of the randomness of other people, I was on the train home on Friday night, and there was this guy (I named him Mr Talky), standing near the doors of the train. He reminded me of the guy in this advert for Oak milk drink. A funny ad. Not cos Mr Talky was dressed like the guy in the advert, or looked like him, but his words, voice and intonation were pretty much the same. Mr Talky was really, really tanned, tracksuit bottoms tucked in his socks, a brown and green tshirt and a blueish jacket that sort of went with the ensemble. He had curly hair. Not too long, but looked like it hadn't been sut for a while. And it was like Mr Talky was on speed or something. He was off his face. But not messy or all over the place. Just high speed talking to anyone that walked past him or happened to make eye contact. He wasn't threatening in the slightest and his chatter was interspersed with laughter and quite a few rhetorical questions. I was sitting down for all of my 45 minute journey, but within 2 metres of him, so I could hear everything he talked to his unwitting victims about! It was increadingly funny mainly cos I was able to look round at the 7 other people I was sharing the carriage with and see their expasperation at the absolute bollocks that was coming out of this guys mouth. At one point a guy even leaned forwards looked up, sighed, and put his head in his hands. This made me break into fits of giggles. I could see the girl sitting next to me also kept trying not to laugh by staring hard out of the window.
I can't remember most of the subjects Mr Talky covered, but he had something to say about everything. Breaking out of prison, the best way to fly a helicopter, how some people could be child molesters but they look like normal people, and one of my favourites; how to deal with getting punched. Standing just in front of the Mr Talky was this dude dressed in a suit. Early 20s and quite big. He took offence to something Mr Talky said. I think it was about the kiddy fiddler thing; the big guy has thought it was directed at him. So they argued a bit and a fight looked like it was about to kick off, marked by the guy sitting next to me popping out his headphones, sitting up straight and leaning over to me saying "have you heard the shit that this guy is talking?! He's pissed off the wrong bloke".
So anyway, the fight about to kick off degenerated into a bit of pillow talk style foreplay, and the big bloke got off at his stop.
A few seconds later when the doors closed, Mr Talky exclaimed to his neighbour "ohhh, did you see that?! It could have been all over mate. Lucky i was here to stop it...." and then he gave some advice. Pure gold advice. Advice that the guy next to me scoffed at, and I made a high-pitch "haa" noise to."If you ever get punched, make sure you have dry skin. Dry skin makes the punch hurt less. You won't bleed as much. If you're lucky, the dry skin will protect you."
Raven do not stop writing please, you cheer me up so much. Especially as I am in the office today working on Sunday :( I have been meaning to leave lots of comments on all of your posts but I have been so busy up to know. I have read them all word for word and for know I say again; don’t stop and don’t feel they are being written without appreciation. Big Love, Geo
ReplyDeleteI love this, its my favourite post and thanks for the shout out, I am locked on and dialled in. Selecta.
ReplyDeleteHow to fly a helicopter - amazing
Raven your blog is Gold!! Keep up the Mo Bro and thanks for the sponsorship!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your much appreciated critiques guys. Glad i could bring some cheer to dreary, English Novembers! :)