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Why the number 42 is interesting

Recently, I went out on a date. 
It started off well enough. We went for a coffee and walked about then decided to go to this pub place to have dinner. Not too trashy and not too posh for a first date. She said that she didn't really drink alcohol. So I went to the bar, ordered food, and got a coke and a Peroni. I came back with the drinks and a table number stand and put them on the table. Just to make conversation, she asked me about the number 42 (we were table number 42) and the differences in Spanish (her mother tongue) of how you say 42. I put the glass to my mouth to sup my beer which was a bit too full up, but she asked about 42s makeup or something, and it required me to point at the number. So without drinking I put my beer down right in front of me. It was held in my left hand and moved my right hand to do the pointing. As I did so, I knocked the edge of the glass, but it didn't tip, as it was braced by left hand still holding it.
Phew. Disaster averted. But the next 400ths of second put the disaster right back on track. The forward momentum of my right hand continued, and I put my first 3 fingers into the glass. 
My left hand had now placed the glass down, so it was moving off and lessening the stability. My first 3 fingers now were submerged in beer and my trailing pinkie made contact with the glass, sealing it's fate. Somehow in my following reaction, I managed to spin the glass 180 degrees as it was pivoting in its fall, sending beer in an arc over her side of the table and the majority over me, my jeans and my t-shirt, absolutely drenching me. She jumped back and yelped, as beer had gone down the gaps in the table and splashed on her. She did laugh about it though, and said it was ok. All I could do was stand up quickly, dripping beer, say sorry to her, say "yes the number 42 is quite interesting" and then run to the toilets to find that the hand dryer didn't work. I went back to the table, told her this and to try to involve her in my pain, I said "look, feel my shirt. It's soaked." and stretched out a bit of my t-shirt for her to feel and agree with me.
I told a few friends this story, but they were unable to recreate "the Raven pint spill specialty variation 42" at the comfort of their own desks and requested pictures. And so after about a month of having not much time to make a video or pictures, I finally forced an hour or two of Fireworks yesterday resulted in the following 7 steps...

Step 1 - "Oh, number 42 is interesting because...". Dotted line shows direction of intended movement. Notice that pointing finger is on course to miss the glass. Sadly, other fingers were not so lucky.

Step 2 - The initial unsettling of the glass. Arrow shows motion of hand. Glass is hit, but nothing spectacular happens just yet.

Step 3 - Motion of left hand continues. Arrow shows direction. Left hand now moving away.

Step 4 - Arrow shows motion of hand. Note that movement on a purely vertical axis has started for the right hand. Fingers enter liquid of beer.

Step 5 - Left hand now moved away from the glass further than the actual length of the glass. Right hand continuing to move in directions of arrows. However, the arrows are now smaller, indicating a reduction in their velocity. Pinkie has fully made contact with the glass exacerbating the glasses descent.

Step 6 - Black outlined spiral arrow shows motion of the now pivoting-on-axis glass that has now passed its balancing point. A substantial amount of beer has not yet left the glass. But that's ok. It will. Note that the two red arrows have changed direction showing that the path of arm still rising, but path of hand is dropping. This was the reaction that I think helped the glass to spin so violently. Fingers now fully submerged.

Step 7 - The distribution of beer (indicated by the black outlined yellow arrow). Both red arrows are now back on course and pointing in a similar direction, probably
due to the shock of losing now a considerable amount of beer.


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