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Showing posts from November, 2013

Save our months!

In many European languages, the months of the year are mainly based on the Roman name for the month, for example "octo" is the number 8 in Latin. October was originally the 8th month of the year in the Roman calendar and retained its "octo" name when it was moved to become the 10th month post 46BC. The Julian calendar was introduced in 46BC and this lead to some interesting changes. For instance, there was a whole month dedicated to leap year, called Mercedonius. This month occurred every few years, but was abolished by Julius Ceasar when he introduced the Julian calendar. But not before he and others had abused the month by adding it earlier or later, or just "forgetting" to add it at all. So each month has a history of how it came about. An interesting history. Recently, I've started to notice that the months are again being renamed, but in a far less interesting way. It started with Movember. A time of month just before Christmas where you can g