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Showing posts from July, 2013

When starchy, unboiled vegetables are harder than steel.

Around a year ago I bought a knife set made by an American company called Füri. They were nice knives I thought. Notice the "were". They're no longer nice knives. Below is an email that I wrote to them a few weeks ago. An email that they as yet, haven't answered. So I thought I'd post my letter online. The email was entitled "Füri-ous at knife breaking". I hope they understood the pun of their company's name. Hi Füri, Just over a year ago (March or April 2012), I purchased a 9cm (3.5 inch) Pairing knife. It was in a set along with an 20cm Cook's Knife. I decided to buy Füri brand knives as I was looking for some good quality kitchen knives; knives that enhance my enjoyment of cooking. However, last week I was cutting through a potato (chopping it into cubes for a soup) with the 9cm Pairing Knife, when the knife just snapped! I've attached some pictures. A clean break in the knife - no twisting or bending. A clean bre