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Showing posts from September, 2012

Mr Shouty

Mr Shouty One Saturday evening on the train home, we saw this guy. Absolutely crazy. Attention seekingly crazy I think. It was like he had the mental age of a 10 year old, apart from the vulgar vocabulary of an MS-13 gang member. Many times I was in stitches and all I had was my phone to write these gems down. My shaking fingers couldn't use Swype fast enough. One of his first jeers to the whole train was "Do you like Hungarians?" He had sat down in a seat momentrily before by pushing his way up to the top floor of the train carriage and then hauling a middle aged Asian lady out of a window seat she was about to sit down in. Below is a list of his random proclamations. If it's May 1st, I want my fuckin money Do you believe in Jesus Christ? I got the cross in my pocket Where do you think the dead go...they're like Michael Jackson [ asks me ] mate, why is this train so slow?  [He looks around the train, then looks my girlfriend. She is Asian]