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Showing posts from July, 2011

Ways to get followed, practice the trumpet and be hip.

I can't really think of a subject that these things all relate to or have in common. This blog entry is more like just a brain-dump of strange, possibly blog-worthy things that have happened to me over the past week. One lunchtime last week, I was walking back to work from having lunch North Sydney with 2 of my colleagues. Sometimes we walk along a route that is next to a motorway back to work. It's only slightly quicker, but provides a bit more sunshine. It also takes us past 2 luxury car garages, which always have 6 digit price tag cars for sale. This particular day we had decided to walk back along this way and were rewarded for our choice. In the photo I've marked the trumpet player with a red arrow (you can slightly see him). He was hiding behind a corner and to protect his anonymity I took the picture partially obscuring him (my friend convinced me to not directly take a picture of his face. I wanted to take a full picture of him. He was dressed in a suit and a