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Showing posts from February, 2011

Welcome to Friday

I woke up this morning, had some breakfast, had a shower and sighed to myself as I was watching the start of the weather on TV that "ahhhh, it's still only Thursday. I wish it was the weekend so I could enjoy the sun and heat." As I was putting my shows on, still watching the weather (it was now near the end and they were showing the forecast for the next 2 days, labelled as TOMORROW and SUNDAY. "Hmmm, that's strange, they missed a day out..." and continued tying my shoes, still not fully woken up. I finished tying my shoes, got up and it suddenly dawned on that maybe it was Friday, not Thursday. I checked my phone's calendar. Friday. "No way". I wasn't convinced. I checked the date on my watch. Friday 4th February. Instead of just feeling happy, I felt concerned that I had lost a day somewhere. Still not 100% convinced, I walked out of the house, counting the days back in my head. I got to 3rd of Feburary and an irrational thought exploded